Monday, February 9, 2009

do you like your women late and cheap?

This is going to be a new irregularly updated (aka whenever I feel like it) segment where I scan the shit I find in my pocket at the end of the day. I'm a very mysterious girl and my pocket treasure may help you find out more about me:

Today's findings include:
tardy slip
bagel with coupon usage


Jon said...

why do you have mallorys tardy slip?

Anonymous said...

i didn't write this, silly...did you not read the comment I left her? She also wrote the snow/narnia post and the iTunes post.


Jon said...

ohhh i didnt see the new post below this one and since you said you wrote a new one i thought this was it

tony said...

A Cool Way of defining your day.............but!Wait A Minute!Doesnt that make the rest of us Virtual Pickpockets?

Anonymous said...

I actually can't remember the last time I wore something with functional pockets. Jeans? What are jeans?