Tuesday, July 24, 2007

S.H.I.T. # 1

This is the beginning of a list I have decided to make. It is called "Strange Habits I'm Developing" although now that i think about it, it would be cleverer (is that right?) to call it "Strange Habits I've Taken (up)" that way the acronym will be SHIT! Yes, I am 15 years old and I do think it is funny to say SHIT. Okay here it goes.

# 1- Saying "fo realz yo" without any hint of irony.


The Mighty Beluga said...

we are all foul-mouthed at heart!

Rosie said...

Haha, yeah, I like the blog too!

DubLiMan said...

This is true at any age.

A 15 year old would be a nice perspective to add to my blogroll.

Would you be interested in a link swap? Check out my site http://mondaymorningpower.blogspot.com. If you like what you see and agree, then link my site to yours, leave me a comment on my blog that you have done so and I will immediately do the same.