Saturday, June 23, 2007

I'm not the passenger, I'm the engine.

Maybe Pierre and Ernest Michaux didn't invent the bicycle but im going to thank them anyways. I love cycling better than any other form of transportation and now that it is summer I can hop onto my bike and GO PLACES! Just today we found a charming little path in the middle of nowhere and I rode the 8 mile distance without complaining once...
Even though I am content riding my (ancient) white and turqoise beater, nothing would be nicer than crusing on
this baby:

Of course, I might only be saying this until I can drive a car...


paul dooley said...

this image would be cool in the header. but what have whales got to do with your blogging

The Mighty Beluga said...

hmm good idea, but since i folded that origami myself, i can't bear to change it.

and whales have nothing to do with my life! i just enjoy throwing people off with the title.